This is an overview of the information we need to make a proper plan for the growth of your career.
Musician Career Advancement Questionnaire
**1. Personal Information:**
– Name:
– Age:
– Location:
– Primary Instrument(s):
**2. Experience Level:**
– How many years have you been playing your primary instrument(s)?
– Have you received formal music education? (Yes/No)
– If yes, please specify the level and institution:
**3. Performance Experience:**
– How many live performances have you participated in?
– What types of venues have you performed at? (e.g., clubs, festivals, private events)
– Have you toured? If so, where did you tour?
**4. Discography:**
– Do you have any released music? (EPs, albums, singles) (Yes/No)
– If yes, please list them:
– Have your recordings been distributed through any platforms? (e.g., Spotify, Apple Music)
**5. Collaborations:**
– Have you collaborated with other musicians or bands? (Yes/No)
– If yes, please describe the nature of these collaborations:
**6. Recognition:**
– Have you received any awards or recognitions for your music? (Yes/No)
– If yes, please specify:
**7. Audience Engagement:**
– Do you have a following on social media? (Yes/No)
– If yes, how many followers do you have across different platforms? (Instagram, Facebook, etc.)
**8. Goals and Aspirations:**
– What are your short-term goals for your music career?
– What are your long-term aspirations?
**9. Skills and Development:**
– What skills do you believe you need to improve to advance your career?
– Are you currently taking any lessons or courses to improve your skills? (Yes/No)
**10. Feedback:**
– How do you usually receive feedback on your music? (e.g., fans, peers, mentors)
– What has been the most valuable feedback you’ve received?